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Control Samples

Control samples are any type of well-known samples used to verify the correctness of the analyzes / tests. These control samples are fully known to the customer in terms of their type, values of certain parameters and values of their standard deviations and uncertainties. They can also be used as blind samples. Blind sample - a sample known by the submitter but submitted to an analyst in such a way that its identification as a check/control sample is unknown.

Control samples are used for laboratory control purposes to verify the validity of the test results in terms of their reliability.

PTS Bulgaria Ltd. offers control samples that are left over from a certain PT scheme. Each control sample shall be accompanied by a certificate stating the values of the relevant parameters as well as their standard deviations and standard uncertainties.

Available control samples:

Type of the sampleSubject of PT scheme №Parameter with known values of the result and its standard deviation and standard uncertaintyCode of the standard
Coarse aggregatePTS 23/01DensityEN 12390-7:2019
Asphalt/bituminous mixturePTS 21/07Bulk densityEN 12697-6:2020
Maximum densityEN 12697-5:2018
StabilityEN 12697-34:2020
FlowEN 12697-34:2020
Percentage of change in massEN 12607-1:2014
BitumenPTS 21/07PenetrationEN 1426:2015
Softening pointEN 1427:2015
DensityEN 15326:2007+A1:2009
Flash pointEN ISO 2592:2017
Percentage of change in massEN 12607-1:2014
Percentage of retained penetration at 25 ℃EN 12607-1:2014, EN 1426:2015
Change in ring and ball softening pointEN 12607-1:2014, EN 1427:2015
Construction soilsPTS 22/08-1Water contentEN ISO 17892-1:2014
Particle densityEN ISO 17892-3:2015
Aggregates (fine or all-in)PTS 22/08-2Water contentEN 1097-5:2008
Loose bulk densityEN 1097–3:2000
Particle size distributionEN 933-1:2012
Fines contentEN 933-1:2012

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